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Messages - RavenWorks

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TinyTV & Tiny Video Player / Re: Maximum number of files?
« on: September 29, 2024, 08:31:44 AM »
well, fwiw, I just bumped it to 200 and everything still runs, and I was able to view 101 files just fine; I didn't even have to change the channel-number-drawing routine?

TinyTV & Tiny Video Player / Maximum number of files?
« on: August 31, 2024, 04:13:52 PM »
The source code to TinyTV2.h says that the maximum number of video files is defined as 100...  Would it be as simple as increasing that number if I wanted to raise the limit, or is there a technical reason that it can't go any higher?   (If it's about the number displayed in the corner when you change channels, I could fix that to match...)

TinyTV & Tiny Video Player / Re: Parameters for ffmpeg conversion
« on: August 08, 2024, 11:18:24 AM »
I just did a fresh build of the latest firmware on the github and immediately noticed how much paler everything was, because until just now I'd been using the modified SetXY file from your last post, which I guess has never actually made it into the official builds?  Should I propose it as a pull request at this point, or do you want to add it yourself?

TinyTV & Tiny Video Player / Re: Parameters for ffmpeg conversion
« on: September 24, 2023, 10:22:14 AM »
Yeah, that addresses the problem I was having!  (To be more specific, values that were negligibly close to zero on a normal screen, were flickeringly apparent on the TinyTV as the video compression rounded them up and down from frame to frame -- with this source tweak, that no longer happens, and effectively-black areas now all look basically uniformly black like they should.)   Anecdotally, I have a hunch that colors are slightly more vibrant now too, though I might be imagining that?   Anyway, I definitely approve this change -- that's one less ffmpeg script that I'll need to keep lying around to adapt things for the TV :)

TinyTV & Tiny Video Player / Re: Parameters for ffmpeg conversion
« on: September 21, 2023, 05:46:39 PM »
out of curiosity, while we're talking about things that don't quite behave normally -- has anyone looked into whether it's handling gamma properly?   I've put some dim videos on there that looked far far too bright/pale and banded, and I had to tweak the levels manually in ffmpeg to get them to look even remotely like they do on my desktop....   but I haven't sat down and investigated it properly yet.

TinyTV & Tiny Video Player / Re: Random video position on boot?
« on: September 21, 2023, 05:35:58 PM »
I definitely greatly prefer the random value personally, although I could see someone preferring the resuming feature?   What's the reason for not wanting to give people the option?

The datasheet said "6ms bounce, 6ms jitter", so I tried 6ms, and had one bounce in couple dozen tests....  then I realised that the datasheet might be trying to tell me to use 12ms total... and then I said, hell, let's be safe, if the frame rate is so low anyway, and bumped it all the way up to 20 like the power button uses.....    but then even at that point, I still got a single bounce in a few dozen more tests, so I gave up adjusting anything, lol.   So yeah, the exact numbers are a little up for debate (especially since, like I mentioned in the pull request, I realised that there's actually a slight bug, in that it'll wait for the specified duration AFTER the signal settles....  but again, it didn't seem worth worrying about because these amounts are still imperceptibly small, to me.)

TinyTV & Tiny Video Player / Re: "There's a problem with this drive"
« on: September 21, 2023, 04:26:26 PM »
I don't even have to reformat, I can just tell windows to "fix" it, which makes it stop but leaves the data intact.    It just, comes back again sooner or later.   Note the end of the world, but I thought I'd see if there was a permanent solution just in case.

Good news; I finally got some time off work, and gathered up the executive function to read that datasheet, and I've now got a pull request in that fixes the debounce issue :)  So hopefully there's no need for me to send it back in after all, at this point.

TinyTV & Tiny Video Player / Re: Random video position on boot?
« on: September 16, 2023, 02:48:48 PM »
So actually, things have gotten moving again, and if you're prepared to build the firmware yourself, it's up as a pull request right now:

If not, hopefully they'll have an official build up soon, but if they don't, I could put mine up in the meantime.    (I'm actually getting debounce in at the moment...)

TinyTV & Tiny Video Player / "There's a problem with this drive"
« on: September 16, 2023, 01:15:46 PM »
Windows seems very prone to telling me that there's a problem with my TinyTV's drive, when it's in USB Storage Mode.   It offers to fix it, and if I let it, it tells me there was no problem after all, so I guess it's harmless?    But it is annoying, and gives me one more thing to click through whenever I try to change the files on it;  does anyone else get this, and is there anything I could be doing differently to prevent it?

TinyTV & Tiny Video Player / Re: Random video position on boot?
« on: September 14, 2023, 08:12:28 PM »
The whole thing sort of went on hold while I waited for them to review my first pull request, which I think hasn't happened yet....  so at this point, maybe I'll just publish my own fork of the firmware and worry about whether it gets merged down the road....    I'm going to be a little occupied the next few days, but I'll try and look it over and put it online soonish, and I'll post here when I do!

TinyTV & Tiny Video Player / Is 700 kb/s to add new files normal?
« on: September 06, 2023, 04:03:21 PM »
I have a feeling there's nothing to be done about this, but I thought I'd just check:  is it normal that adding new files to the TinyTV 2 tops out at about 700 KB/s?  Or is it something that I could possibly improve with a different cable, or USB port, or something.

Sure, I'm willing to send the old one back if it helps the process.  Things are crazy at work right now though so I might not get around to it for a couple of weeks.  I will need your address though, yes.

I've got the old one set aside for now (with a little sticker on it so I can tell it apart from the new one) and with the default videos loaded back onto it.   Also just mentioning before I forget: at the moment it has your debounce test firmware on it (which causes the wheel to simply be ignored a lot of the time).

Okay -- the new one arrived, and it's got the same problem!   It's only like 1 in every 6 turns now, which is way better than the old one....  but the old one started that way too, and gradually got worse over a few weeks, so only time will tell if the new one is headed down the same road :/

I'm officially back on team "can we implement any kind of proper software debouncing", then.   How does the encoder mechanism work internally, is it switches or what?  Are there docs for the drivers that read the values?

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