Thumby / Re: Game Fast Executes and Emulates but won't play normally
« on: March 27, 2023, 02:00:32 PM »
Thank you for your suggestion! When I tried it, and failed, it occurred to me to try installing another game from the arcade. That also failed to load on the hardware. So I figured it might be some issue with the USB cable itself or the USB port. Nope. Then it dawned on me to hard reset the code editor and tried again. No problem at all. Everything is installing fine now. I'm guessing there was some weird kind of corruption happening while transferring files to the hardware. My only confusion now is in questioning why it wasn't causing any problems during fast execution of a game. Anyways, thanks again for offering some advice! I'd urge anyone else encountering such a problem to hard reset the editor after backing up their code and reinstalling the game if they can't figure out another solution.