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Messages - Timendus

Pages: 1
Thumby / Grayscale library v2.0.0 released!
« on: August 05, 2022, 08:33:36 AM »
Hey there Thumby fans!

If you missed it on Discord: We have a little announcement!

The second version of the grayscale library has just been released, and it is a huge improvement over the first. Thanks to Doogle's efforts to better understand the display controller chip and with help from Hemlockmay, we now have an impressively stable grayscale image, with very minimal to no flicker! 🎉

Having this stable an image, done only in software, is probably a first for the SSD1306 display controller in any developer community that uses it. The guys in the Arduboy community have been trying to achieve this for years 😄

If you want to give this a spin, load the attached program to your Thumby as /Games/GrayDemo/ and run it to see for yourself! 😍 Or try out Doogle's outstanding Journey3Dg demo.

We think it is now ready for use in your awesome projects and incredible pixel art. Feedback is always appreciated!

More information about getting started is here:

It requires MicroPython v1.19.1. We had a working version for v1.18 too, but decided to scrap that because it needlessly complicated the codebase. So if you desperately want to support v1.18 too, check out the different versions and discussion in the Discord thread "4 Shades of Grey".

Thumby / Re: Beta release: Silicon8, a CHIP-8 interpreter
« on: April 25, 2022, 05:10:02 AM »
Like I posted in Discord yesterday evening: I finally received my Thumbies, and managed to fix the bug in my CHIP-8 interpreter. It's spinning like a kitten now with all fifteen supplied games.

If you're feeling adventurous, instructions to install are here:

Thumby / Re: Beta release: Silicon8, a CHIP-8 interpreter
« on: February 02, 2022, 06:17:56 AM »
Thanks!  ;D

Thumby / Re: Playing Gameboy Games on Thumby
« on: January 23, 2022, 04:58:32 PM »
Really cool project! If only the display was a bit higher resolution, I think it could probably be done. Not in MicroPython, but a Gameboy emulator is probably doable on the platform in C?

Thumby / Re: Beta release: Silicon8, a CHIP-8 interpreter
« on: January 23, 2022, 04:19:32 PM »
A few screenshots:

A short (and slightly stuttery) video of the thing in action:

Thumby / Beta release: Silicon8, a CHIP-8 interpreter
« on: January 23, 2022, 04:18:07 PM »
I posted this on Discord a couple of weeks ago, but the forum had some issues for me. Let's see if things work today  ;D

I've ported my CHIP-8 / SCHIP / XO-CHIP interpreter to MicroPython for Thumby. It seems to work pretty reliably with every ROM file I throw at it. Once I have a physical Thumby to test with, I'll go and tweak a couple of things and see if I can squeeze out a couple of additional features.

If you didn't know, CHIP-8 and friends are an interpreted programming language, going back to the '70s, with a huge assortment of very simple games. I thought this is a great fit for the Thumby, and also a testament of how far computing has come. What was once the pinnacle of computer gaming for hobbyists now runs on a cheap keychain, with pixels and memory to spare  ;D

See my Github repository for more background information and how to run the thing:

Thumby / Re: A couple questions about the emulator
« on: January 03, 2022, 09:56:02 AM »
Hey Jason, quick question... Will the version of the emulator on /testing move out of testing or will you be trying to finish that 1-to-1 emulation first?

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