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Messages - kriti_tulsian01

Pages: 1
I would like to ask if there is any documentation on how I can connect one tinycircuit to another tinycircuit using Bluetooth. I have found some example but it uses arduino HC 05 module. Are there any sample code I could use to refer ?
Thanks for any help.

Did you figure it out? I need help with the same

General Discussion / Communication between two ble shields.
« on: January 17, 2020, 03:27:45 AM »
I have two steups - the first setup is a tinyzeroboard with a st ble shield and a 9-axis tiny shield. Another setup is just a tinyzero board and a st ble tiny shield.
I need the two ble to communicate with each other, I should be able to receive my sensor values in my second setup via the ble communication.
How do I do this?

Pages: 1
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