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Messages - mjculross

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Tiny Arcade & Pocket Arcade / outdated ZIP file from files section
« on: June 03, 2024, 09:33:49 PM »
On the "Load Games/Video to an SD Card" page for the TinyArcade/PocketArcade, under the "Materials" heading, there's a URL link named " File".  This link points to the most current version of the "" which is obtained from the following URL: "".  Farther down the "Load Games/Video to an SD Card" page, under the "Loading Games onto an SD Card" heading, at the end of the line that reads "We will download the most current .ZIP file for all the arcade games, which is found here.", the word "here" is a URL link which incorrectly points to the (out-of-date "") file from the files section.  Suggest that the second link be updated to point to the latest version (which would probably mean pointing it to the ZIP file in the github repository), or maybe better yet, remove this extra link, as the correct file is already referenced in the list of materials.

Thanks for continuing to make available & to support the PocketArcade.  It remains an excellent platform in a very compact form factor.

Mark J Culross

TinyDuino Processors & TinyShields / Re: TinyZero Charge Current
« on: December 24, 2021, 07:20:03 PM »
Comparing the schematic ( for the Tiny Battery Charger (populated with a 10K resister as the default, where the schematic note indicates that it is configured for 100mA charging current) & the schematic ( for the TinyZero processor (which also has a 10K resistor), I would guess that the TinyZero will be providing 100mA of charging current.

Mark J Culross

General Discussion / Re: Smart Watch Files
« on: May 21, 2021, 07:06:24 AM »
I have all the components for the Smart Watch (bought them separately) but am having trouble printing the case.  When I downloaded the files, they weren't marked as .stl files.  I added the extension and was able to open the files in both Cura for Lulzbot and TinkerCad but the size is super small. I can scale it up but don't know what the exact dimensions are. What's up with this?


I don't personally have the SmartWatch kit, but I can confirm that the model appears to be in inches (this is *not* a problem with the files - an STL file has no way to include scale and/or units information).  Since Cura for Lulzbot assumes that all dimensions are given in mm, you should simply use the "Scale" function & scale each axis (X, Y, & Z) equally by a constant 25.4.  You parts will then be printed at the proper size.

Good luck & have fun !!

Mark J Culross

Tiny Arcade & Pocket Arcade / Re: Issue with Micro SD card reading
« on: January 27, 2020, 01:29:34 PM »
If I remember correctly, the TinyArcade will allow you to play the last game loaded, even without the SD card installed (you should be able to verify this by powering down, completely removing the card, & powering back up).  As for reprogramming the board (you should not have to, but doing so can be instructional), make sure you follow all of the steps given at, particularly the setup steps at  Once you've included the URL in the "Additional Boards Manager URLs" box in the IDE Preferences, and installed the "Arduino SAMD Boards (32-bits ARM Cortex-M0+)" & "TinyCircuits SAMD Boards" choices using the Boards Manager as indicated in the instructions, then the "TinyScreen+" should be available for you to select under Tools->Board in the IDE.

You should also try simply reseating the microSD card several times in case minor corrosion has formed on the interface between the microSD card & the socket.

Hope that helps . . .

General Discussion / Re: Tinyscreen+ Driver
« on: November 24, 2019, 10:57:13 PM »
Look in the TinyScreen+ setup tutorial, particularly step #3 in the "Software" section:

Hope that helps !!


User Projects / Code Examples / Re: GPS "Pointer" with servos
« on: February 07, 2019, 10:26:00 PM »
Not sure about the tilt part, but would the pan part correspond to the "bearing" in this distance & bearing calculation:

Algorithms for calculating distance & bearing between two points, taken from the following URL:

NOTE: These formulas assume the following:

   North latitudes and West longitudes are treated as positive
   South latitudes and East longitudes negative

   The arguments given to cos, sin, and arctan are all in RADIANS

The great circle distance d between two points, where point 1 has coordinates {lat1,lon1} and point 2 has coordinates {lat2,lon2} is given by the following:

   d = acos (sin (lat1) * sin (lat2) + cos (lat1) * cos (lat2) * cos (lon1 - lon2))

The bearing, tc1, looking from point 1 to point 2, is given by the following (NOTE: This formula fails if point 1 is located at one of the two poles).

   IF sin (lon2 - lon1) < 0
      tc1 = acos ((sin (lat2) - sin (lat1) * cos (d)) / (sin (d) * cos (lat1)))
      tc1 = 2 * pi - acos ((sin (lat2) - sin (lat1) * cos (d)) / (sin (d) * cos (lat1)))

Where the following applies:

   asin (x) = 2 * atan (x / (1 + sqrt (1 - x * x)))

   acos (x) = 2 * atan (sqrt ((1 - x) / (1 + x)))       [ for x >= 0        ]
   acos (x) = pi - 2 * atan (sqrt ((1 + x) / (1 - x)))  [ for x < 0         ]

   atan2 (y, x) = atan (y / x)                          [ for x > 0         ]
   atan2 (y, x) = atan (y / x) + pi                     [ for x < 0, y >= 0 ]
   atan2 (y, x) = pi / 2                                [ for x = 0, y > 0  ]
   atan2 (y, x) = atan (y / x) - pi                     [ for x < 0, y < 0  ]
   atan2 (y, x) = -pi / 2                               [ for x = 0, y < 0  ]
   atan2 (0, 0) is undefined and should give an error.

Mark J Culross

User Projects / Code Examples / Re: Virtual Pet
« on: January 20, 2019, 04:33:46 PM »
You should consider using the TinyDuino (processor...get the LiPo battery version for onboard battery management) with the TinyScreen+ (96x64 pixel full-color display) as a minimum, which could be combined with the prototyping board for buttons/speaker/rumble/etc.  For future BT connectivity, the BTLE module could also be added to the stack.  Personally, I have found the TinyDuino/TinyScreen+ combo to be very easy to program.  Look for the excellent tutorials to get you started & good luck !!  Mark J Culross KD5RXT

Tiny Arcade & Pocket Arcade / Re: classic games ?
« on: December 29, 2018, 06:36:34 PM »
See the following for details on the newly posted version 1.1 of TinyQuix:

Enjoy !!

Mark J Culross

This is a notification that I've posted TinyQUIX version 1.1, the source & binaries of which can be found in a folder of its own on my Google Drive (in the same place as previously indicated for TinySimon & TinySNAKE) at:

Version 1.1 corrects the movements of player & sparx to only allow moving onto a border space where the border has at least one empty space adjacent.  In addition, player & sparx are randomly placed on any border at the start of a cycle.  Four new info screens that can be accessed from the splash screen have been added.

Here are the contents of the Readme.txt file:

 TinyQuix for the PocketArcade

    version 1.1 dated 12/28/2018 @1710
    written by Mark J Culross, KD5RXT (

 The source & binaries (suitable for SD card loading) for TinyQuix is available in its own folder on my
    Google Drive (in the same place as for TinySimon & TinySNAKE):

 Using the TinyScreen+ display to allow a player to play a loose implementation of the traditional Qix game

 Uses the TinyCircuits libraries for its display output & digital joystick input

 Configure/build to run in the PocketArcade Menu System as follows:
    Tools : Board : "Tiny Arcade"
    Tools : Build Options : "Binary for SD Card"
    Sketch : Export compiled Binary
    [ rename the binary to "Tiny Quix.bin" & place in "Tiny Quix" folder ]

 Configure/build to run standalone on the PocketArcade as follows:
    Tools : Board : "Tiny Arcade"
    Tools : Build Options : "Default"
    Sketch : Upload (after setting Tools/Port as appropriate)

    - limit the length of the quix

    - pressing the d-pad up/down at either the splash screen or any of the info screens shows more info screens
    - pressing the d-pad left/right at either the splash screen or any of the info screens adjusts the brightness
    - pressing the left button at the splash screen starts the game in player mode
    - allowing the 10-second timer on the splash screen to expire starts the demo mode
    - pressing the right button either while on the splash screen or any of the info screens or when in demo mode
      enters/exits the "debug" screen
       - pressing the up & down d-pad keys moves between debug controls
       - pressing the left & right d-pad keys while changing the number of lives causes changes by one
       - pressing the left button while changing the number of lives (with the d-pad) causes changes by ten
       - pressing the left button for any other debug control toggles that control on/off
    - the d-pad keys are used to move in player mode (player stops when no d-pad keys are pressed)

 Comparison to the original Qix game (purists take heed):

 Original Qix implementation:

    1) the Qix is multiple lines
    2) as the game progresses, the number of qix increases
    3) as the game progresses, the number of sparx increases
    4) as the game progresses, supersparx (which can kill the player) move around in the unfilled space
    5) the player & the sparx can only travel on borders that touch at least one empty space
    6) scoring is based upon the increase in the amount of space filled by the newly enclosed area(s)
    7) scoring includes a 1000 point bonus for each percent of filled space > 75%
    8) the player can move fast or slow, & space filled while moving slow scores higher points
    9) pressing a button while moving causes the player to move "slow"
   10) when moving, stix (temp lines) must have at least one space between them (to allow "filled" space)
   11) there is an initial animation when placing the player on the border

 TinyQuix implementation:

    1) the TinyQuix is always only a single line
    2) as the game progresses, there is always only a single TinyQuix
    3) as the game progresses, the number of sparx is always two
    4) there are no supersparx
    5) the player can freeze a sparx by closing a rectangle which leaves it no valid moves; also,
       the player can freeze itself by closing a rectangle whish leaves it no valid moves; in that
       case, the rectangle is closed/filled, but the player dies !!
    6) scoring is based upon the total amount of space filled each time new space is enclosed
    7) scoring includes a bonus for each percent of filled space > 75%
    8) the player can only move fast
    9) the buttons are only used to start the game (left button) & to enter/exit "debug" (right button)
   10) when moving, stix (temp lines) can be adjacent; this space will only be closed when another valid
       rectangle (with space to be filled) is closed; as long as the adjacent stix have not been
       closed, they remain vulnerable to collision by the TinyQuix, which kills the player
   11) there is only an animation when the player is killed

    - the player's move generator in demo mode is very dumb, since it employs absolutely no offensive
      or defensive logic of any kind - it is purely semi-random !!
    - a score exceeding 100000 is signified with a red "+" displayed next to the word "Score"

Enjoy !!

Mark J Culross

P.S. Bug reports & comments are both still encouraged & appreciated.  MJC

Tiny Arcade & Pocket Arcade / Re: classic games ?
« on: December 23, 2018, 09:29:24 AM »
See the following for details on a new & simple implementation of TinyQuix:

Enjoy !!

Mark J Culross

User Projects / Code Examples / Simple implementation of TinyQuix
« on: December 23, 2018, 08:06:17 AM »
I was recently re-inspired by Ben Rose's interest in adding new games to be included in the ZIPfile distribution, so I have tackled the simple implementation of yet another classic game: TinyQuix is now available (so named in an attempt to keep copyright concerns at bay as much as possible).  The source & binaries (suitable for SD card loading) for the initial release of TinyQuix is available in its own folder on my Google Drive in the same place as previously indicated for TinySimon & TinySNAKE:

Here's the run-down:
   TinyQuix for the PocketArcade
      version 1.0 dated 12/23/2018 @0605
      written by Mark J Culross, KD5RXT (
   Using the TinyScreen+ display to allow a player to play a loose
      implementation of the traditional Qix game
   Uses the TinyCircuits libraries for its display output & digital
      joystick input
   Configure/build to run in the PocketArcade Menu System as follows:
      Tools : Board : "Tiny Arcade"
      Tools : Build Options : "Binary for SD Card"
      Sketch : Export compiled Binary
      [ rename the binary to "Tiny Quix.bin" & place in "Tiny Quix" folder ]
   Configure/build to run standalone on the PocketArcade as follows:
      Tools : Board : "Tiny Arcade"
      Tools : Build Options : "Default"
      Sketch : Upload (after setting Tools/Port as appropriate)
      - limit the length of the quix
      - limit player border movement only to borders that have at least one empty space nearby
      - pressing the left button at the splash screen starts the game in player mode
      - allowing the 10-second timer on the splash screen to expire starts the demo mode
      - pressing the right button either while on the splash screen or when in demo mode
        enters/exits the "debug" screen
         - pressing the up & down d-pad keys moves between debug controls
         - pressing the left & right d-pad keys while changing the number of lives causes changes by one
         - pressing the left button while changing the number of lives (with the d-pad) causes changes by ten
         - pressing the left button for any other debug control toggles that control on/off
      - the d-pad keys are used to move in player mode (player stops when no d-pad keys are pressed)
   Comparison to the original Qix game (purists take heed):
   Original Qix:
      1) the Qix is multiple lines
      2) as the game progresses, the number of qix increases
      3) as the game progresses, the number of sparx increases
      4) as the game progresses, supersparx (which can kill the player) move around in the unfilled space
      5) the player & the sparx can only travel on borders that touch at least one empty space
      6) scoring is based upon the increase in the amount of space filled by the newly enclosed area(s)
      7) scoring includes a 1000 point bonus for each percent of filled space > 75%
      8) the player can move fast or slow, & space filled while moving slow scores higher points
      9) pressing a button while moving causes the player to move "slow"
     10) when moving, stix (temp lines) must have at least one space between them (to allow "filled" space)
     11) there is an initial animation when placing the player on the border
      1) the TinyQuix is always only a single line
      2) as the game progresses, the number of qix increases
      3) the number of sparx is always two
      4) there are no supersparx
      5) the player & the sparx can travel on any borders anywhere
      6) scoring is based upon the total amount of space filled each time new space is enclosed
      7) scoring includes a bonus for each percent of filled space > 75%
      8) the player can only move fast
      9) the buttons are only used to start the game (left button) & to enter/exit "debug" (right button)
     10) when moving, stix (temp lines) can be adjacent
     11) there is only an animation when the player is killed
Enjoy !!

Mark J Culross

P.S. Bug reports & comments are both encouraged & appreciated.  MJC

Found some time over the Thanksgiving holiday for some more refinements, so the source & binaries (suitable for SD card loading) for "TinySNAKE" have been updated.  The TinySNAKE "Demo Mode" now runs after a 10-second countdown (as long as START was not pressed) on the initial splash screen.  I shortened the length of the "beeps" to alleviate an occasional hang-up problem.  I spent most of the time improving the algorithm (again) for hunting apples in demo mode...writing the original game was a breeze, compared to the interesting challenge of writing the demo mode, or as one of my game collector friends calls it, "attract mode" from the arcade cabinet era, operations !!

As before, these updates can be found in their respective folders under the "PocketArcade projects" folder in my Google drive at the following URL:

The source & binaries (suitable for SD card loading) for "TinySNAKE" & "TinySimon" have been updated.  Both now include rough-cut title screen videos.  TinySNAKE now includes a "Demo Mode" that runs after 5-seconds of no activity (START was not pressed) on the initial splash screen.

These updates can be found in their respective folders under the "PocketArcade projects" folder in my Google drive at the following URL:

Tiny Arcade & Pocket Arcade / Re: Ideas for the Tiny Arcade
« on: November 20, 2018, 08:55:16 PM »
Updated versions are now available at the link described earlier.  The new versions include Ben Rose's recommendation for fixing the inconsistent volume when calling tone().
(see for discussion of the original problem)

Mark J Culross

I had some free time this weekend, so I took a stab at simple implementations of a couple of classic games.  The source & binaries (suitable for SD card loading) for "TinySNAKE" & "TinySimon" (no title screen video yet for either, but they do still show up in the initial menu system) can be found in their respective folders under the "PocketArcade projects" folder in my Google drive at the following URL:

Enjoy !!

Mark J Culross

Tiny Arcade & Pocket Arcade / Re: classic games ?
« on: November 20, 2018, 08:54:09 PM »
Updated versions are now available at the link described earlier.  The new versions include Ben Rose's recommendation for fixing the inconsistent volume when calling tone().
(see for discussion of the original problem)

Mark J Culross

I had some free time this weekend, so I took a stab at simple implementations of a couple of classic games.  The source & binaries (suitable for SD card loading) for "TinySNAKE" & "TinySimon" (no title screen video yet for either, but they do still show up in the initial menu system) can be found in their respective folders under the "PocketArcade projects" folder in my Google drive at the following URL: I had some free time this weekend, so I took a stab at simple implementations of a couple of classic games.  The source & binaries (suitable for SD card loading) for "TinySNAKE" & "TinySimon" (no title screen video yet for either, but they do still show up in the initial menu system) can be found in their respective folders under the "PocketArcade projects" folder in my Google drive at the following URL:

Enjoy !!

Mark J Culross

Enjoy !!

Mark J Culross

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