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Messages - tastewar

Pages: 1 2
TinyDuino Processors & TinyShields / Re: LowPower library for TinyScreen+
« on: December 02, 2016, 11:42:12 AM »
3. looks like the pull request was merged and available since Arduino 1.6.5, so I think that concern is gone, just leaving 1 and 2...

TinyDuino Processors & TinyShields / LowPower library for TinyScreen+
« on: December 02, 2016, 11:39:14 AM »
For my watch project, I want the uC to generally be asleep, and awaken on any button press. Since the TS+ uses the ATSAMD21G18A and this is supported by the Low-Power library ( I want to assume this can all work, but I have a few questions:
  • has anyone used this that might have code to share
  • can I set things up so that any button press will awaken the device
  • there's a caveat about SAMD core requiring a patch for external interrupts to work -- any guidance on doing this?

TinyDuino Processors & TinyShields / Re: Wrist accelerometer
« on: November 29, 2016, 08:23:02 PM »
What size is your SD card? Normally these days they are in GiB, and it's hard to believe you'd run out of space. Of course, this depends on how you store the data. If you take a sample every millisecond, and record each sample in verbose English, e.g.:

"Today is Wednesday, December 30 2016. The time is 8:10:56.123 p.m. Acceleration is X:aaa; Y:bbb; Z:ccc."

Then you will burn through space much faster than storing a single time_t value stored in binary, and whatever accelerometer data you have, also stored in binary, every 2 seconds.

In other words, you are the best person to answer this, but you will have to come up with a scheme for storing the data, and a sampling frequency that fits within your constraints. If you want it to last a week on a battery, I am going to guess you might have to deal with putting the chip to sleep and waking it periodically. Or use a bigger battery.

Note that you can also get "clever" with the data. Perhaps you use a new file every day, and name the file by the date. That way the date is only recorded once, rather than with every sample! You could also notice that with 86400 seconds in a day, if you sample every 2 seconds, you could simply number them 1-43200 which can be done within 16 bits, and you can save yourself half the timestamp space that way. *Or* you might decide, well, this is a very robust device, and I know it's going to work right up until the time it runs out of battery. Therefore, I will name files after the date and the beginning time, and switch to a new file at midnight, and simply record raw samples at whatever frequency suits me. That way, the time of the sample can be inferred from the start time (recorded in the file name) + the record number * the period. Etc., etc., etc. Lots of ways to potentially save space on recording the time of the data. One other thing to watch for is the maximum file size. On some filesystems/libraries, it's likely to be 2^32 bytes, so try to design a scheme that will fit within the constraint.

I wouldn't know how to help with the other questions.

OK, appears that RTCZero works for boards based on SAMD21...

Is there a sample project that utilizes the built-in RTC of the TinyScreen+?

I think there used to be a link from the tutorial, but I'm not finding it there any more. A little searching led me here:

I believe you have to sign up for sketchfab in order to download. I know I had to way back when. I tried printing it once, and found it somewhat unsatisfactory, so I ended up ordering one from TinyCircuits.

TinyDuino Processors & TinyShields / Re: Tinycircuits 9 axis IMU
« on: November 03, 2016, 08:16:22 AM »
This is almost always due to a baud rate (communications rate) mismatch between the sender (your device and code) and the receiver (Arduino application or other serial monitoring tool). You set the baud rate in your device code when you initialize the serial port there. On your computer, it's the drop down at the bottom of the window you're looking at. If they're both at 9600, I'm not sure what else it might be.

TinyDuino Processors & TinyShields / Re: WIFI Shield
« on: August 30, 2016, 10:19:31 AM »
This doesn't address your actual question, but I just to be sure you understand what you're getting into. I'm guessing from the output you posted that your WiFi shield is connecting successfully to your home (?) WiFi network, or at least one that you know. The accuracy of GPS is not that different from the range of WiFi. Often times, you can get within 10 feet or so, but it's not really guaranteed.

Are you thinking that the device you are building will be able to be taken outside of the ABERLY WiFi coverage area, but still report the position via the internet?

Ben- when you say "fit on the next revision" are you referring to the hardware? Or next library revision... (hoping the latter, but guessing the former...)

It's programmed to do so,

Thanks for the explanation, Ben!

Can you explain further? I *just* plugged mine in for the first time, and am seeing the same thing. Even without pushing buttons, or attempting to reset...

Thanks for the info, Ben. As you consider a watch case with the TS+ in mind, please keep ease of charging in mind!

I have a watch project that I need to get back to. It uses the TinyScreen, TinyDuino, TinyRTC and lithium battery all stuffed in your 3D printed
watch case. The TinyScreen+ appears to have all that built in. Which leads to a couple of questions:

1. Is there a backup battery for the built-in RTC?
2. Will you be making a "watch case" to accommodate the new module?
3. Should I expect a difference in power usage? Are there lower power modes in the older or newer hardware?
4. The most problematic aspect of the project at the moment is the need to take it apart to charge it. You have to pull apart the sandwich,
    add in the USB board, charge the battery, take apart the sandwich, put it back together without the USB, and re-assemble. Will there be better
    charging options for a watch?


Thanks, Ben!

Hi Ben- I created a pull request. Do with it as you will!

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