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Topics - RavenWorks

Pages: 1
TinyTV & Tiny Video Player / Maximum number of files?
« on: August 31, 2024, 04:13:52 PM »
The source code to TinyTV2.h says that the maximum number of video files is defined as 100...  Would it be as simple as increasing that number if I wanted to raise the limit, or is there a technical reason that it can't go any higher?   (If it's about the number displayed in the corner when you change channels, I could fix that to match...)

TinyTV & Tiny Video Player / "There's a problem with this drive"
« on: September 16, 2023, 01:15:46 PM »
Windows seems very prone to telling me that there's a problem with my TinyTV's drive, when it's in USB Storage Mode.   It offers to fix it, and if I let it, it tells me there was no problem after all, so I guess it's harmless?    But it is annoying, and gives me one more thing to click through whenever I try to change the files on it;  does anyone else get this, and is there anything I could be doing differently to prevent it?

TinyTV & Tiny Video Player / Is 700 kb/s to add new files normal?
« on: September 06, 2023, 04:03:21 PM »
I have a feeling there's nothing to be done about this, but I thought I'd just check:  is it normal that adding new files to the TinyTV 2 tops out at about 700 KB/s?  Or is it something that I could possibly improve with a different cable, or USB port, or something.

TinyTV & Tiny Video Player / Guide for building TinyTV2 firmware?
« on: July 08, 2023, 08:16:00 AM »
I'm interested in trying to add/fix features for the TinyTV2; I've found the source on your GitHub page, but I've never worked with Arduinos before, so I was hoping there might be some kind of 'getting started' guide?  I've found this guide for the original TinyTV, but I'm not sure how much of it would apply to the 2?

TinyTV & Tiny Video Player / Random video position on boot?
« on: July 06, 2023, 07:12:15 PM »
I've loaded up some long videos onto my TinyTV2, and while they do "keep playing" while I'm on other channels as I'd expect, they always start from more-or-less the very beginning when I power the TV on.   I understand that saving position would be tricky, and keeping a clock running while it's off would waste the battery, but personally I'd be happy with the solution of it just starting playback from a random point in the video every time it's booted, so I'm not always seeing the same opening seconds of it every time I turn it on?   (I'm not sure what sources of entropy it would have to draw from to pick the random number, maybe the current battery level?)

Just got my TinyTV2, and it's mostly wonderful, but ever since I added my first custom video, it seems like there's a 10% chance every time I turn the dial that it'll play the little static animation and show the channel number, but will just show the same video and channel as it was just on?   Despite it starting after I added a video, this happens when changing between any two channels, not just when changing to/from my custom one.   (It's possible that it has nothing to do with my custom video, and I just missed seeing it until that point, as it is still semi rare, although I have absolutely seen it happen multiple times in a row, as in it can take three turns of the dial, and three instances of static, before I see a different channel.)

If I could hazard a guess, it seems like maybe it's accidentally switching up and then immediately back down, or something?  (Although it definitely happens when moving in either direction...)    Has this happened to anyone else?

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