TinyDuino Processors & TinyShields / Dual Motor Shield for vibration motor control?
« on: January 28, 2021, 08:30:06 AM »
I'm doing a small PoC project with TinyDuino which requires control of 2x small vibrational motors. The ones I'm using are this ones: https://www.digikey.ch/product-detail/de/adafruit-industries-llc/1201/1528-1177-ND/5353637
Now since this shield integrates seamlessly with other components I'm thinking of using it, I would like to use it to control the vibration patterns and produce different vibration patterns.
So, what I'm wondering is:
1) Is it possible to use this shield for this use case?
2) Do I need to attach additional power supply for those 2 small motors or can I reuse the battery?
3) Is it possible to control the strength of vibrations?
Thank you for support.
I'm doing a small PoC project with TinyDuino which requires control of 2x small vibrational motors. The ones I'm using are this ones: https://www.digikey.ch/product-detail/de/adafruit-industries-llc/1201/1528-1177-ND/5353637
Now since this shield integrates seamlessly with other components I'm thinking of using it, I would like to use it to control the vibration patterns and produce different vibration patterns.
So, what I'm wondering is:
1) Is it possible to use this shield for this use case?
2) Do I need to attach additional power supply for those 2 small motors or can I reuse the battery?
3) Is it possible to control the strength of vibrations?
Thank you for support.