General Discussion / Joystick shield discontinued?
« on: May 07, 2020, 04:15:41 PM »
Hi all,
do you know if the Joystick TinyShield is discontinued? It says "sold out" for as long as I remember.
The TinyScreen Video Game Kit (ASK1007) is confirmedly discontinued, but it has five components out of which four are steadily available, the joystick being the only exception. It wouldn't make sense for it to be discontinued unless the Joystick is also sunset.
do you know if the Joystick TinyShield is discontinued? It says "sold out" for as long as I remember.
The TinyScreen Video Game Kit (ASK1007) is confirmedly discontinued, but it has five components out of which four are steadily available, the joystick being the only exception. It wouldn't make sense for it to be discontinued unless the Joystick is also sunset.