Hi there. I have tried today to print a score in our game, but I'm not sure how the font system works.
I found an example in how fonts are used here:
https://tinycircuits.com/blogs/learn/tinyscreen-battery-voltageSo I put the following lines in my setup() function:
display.fontColor(0xFFFF, 0x0000);
Then in the loop function, i have an scoreUpdate() function called. Here is what it is in scoreUpdate:
display.setCursor(12, 12);
(score is a global variable, initialized to 0)
As it stands, when I run the program everything on screen is "frozen" (player can't move, nothing is updating on the screen except the player and the score), and the 0 value for the score is displayed there and it's flickering constantly.
For drawing the screen I am using the drawbuffer function that came with the TinyArcade tutorial.
Could anyone point me to the right way of doing this?