General Discussion / TinyScreen+, running TinyGPS library logging NMEA sentance on micro SD card
« on: April 25, 2018, 10:02:36 AM »
I tried modifying the sample TinyGPS shield sketch to write the encoded NMEA sentence to a file on a microSD card. I think the problem is in the modified smartdelay routine that never finds a satellite fix....or a valid NMEA sentence. Hardware I am running:
TinyScreen+ processor
TinyGPS Shield modified to have chip select pin set to 8
Tiny SD microSD shield
Anyone see the problem?
I tried modifying the sample TinyGPS shield sketch to write the encoded NMEA sentence to a file on a microSD card. I think the problem is in the modified smartdelay routine that never finds a satellite fix....or a valid NMEA sentence. Hardware I am running:
TinyScreen+ processor
TinyGPS Shield modified to have chip select pin set to 8
Tiny SD microSD shield
Anyone see the problem?