In reading up on the TI CC3000 that the WiFi TinyShield is based on I've discovered something called Smart Config that allows an app on a WiFi connected device like an Android or iPhone to send a signal to the WiFi shield & transmit the SSID, encryption key, default route & DNS servers to the chip & write them into an NVRAM so they don't have to be manually programmed in every time you reboot or want to use it on a new network. But the design docs say the process starts by pressing the S1 button on the CC3000, putting it into Smart Config mode & listening for the special Smart Config packets from the control app. Now I know there's no such button on the WiFi TinyShield but is there a software equivalent routine that can be triggered or pin pair that can be connected to start the process on the WiFi TinyShield?
For reference here's the Smart Config writeup on the TI wiki: here's another breakdown of the Smart Connect process: