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Messages - end3rguy

Pages: 1
Thumby / Thumby display may be broken
« on: November 18, 2023, 12:33:54 AM »
One day about 6 months ago my Thumby seemingly wouldn't turn on, as the display was black. I figured out it indeed was turning on because I was able to navigate to the dino game and I could hear the sound effects, leading me to believe it must've been the brightness, however as many attempts I made of following people's instructions on discord to navigate to settings and turn up brightness, nothing happened. I even did an update by plugging it into the website. I kinda forgot about it until today and had it clipped to a pin on my wall and suddenly remembered how fun the Thumbgeon game was. I still have 0 signs of display functionality.

Conclusion: my Thumby's display is either damaged or disconnected in some way.

Does anyone know how to fix this or should i just purchase a new one?

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