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Messages - arronjanes

Pages: 1
TinyTV & Tiny Video Player / Re: Mac OS & .tvs converter
« on: December 06, 2023, 03:16:30 AM »
Note: This message is awaiting approval by a moderator.
uno online
The most difficult aspect of building the Tiny TV kit was painting it,  until…

I attempted to convert some of my own vids..

The  converter download now goes directly to the bin..
On pulling it out, unzipping, and attempting to open computer says “No”…

It seems Mac is now a total bust for converting files..
There are several video converters available for Mac users that can help you convert your videos to different formats like VideoProc, Allavsoft Video. They can help your work easier.

New Product Ideas / Re: Possible to send midi out thru usb in tinysaber?
« on: September 18, 2023, 06:10:37 AM »
Think your cool toy would make a great midi controller.. found a USB midi library for the 841 here: snipers

what do you think? possible? could it be made wireless by attaching your bluetooth board with a bit of hacking?

seems like all the pins are used in the schematic, not sure tho.

Thanks, Tefriot

It’s possible that you could use this library to create a MIDI controller with your toy. As for making it wireless, you might be able to attach a Bluetooth board and modify the code to work with Bluetooth. However, this would require some hacking and may not be a straightforward process.

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