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Messages - Anapan

Pages: 1
TinyTV & Tiny Video Player / Re: Converter app questions
« on: June 25, 2023, 06:33:30 AM »
I agree with Ben.  Powerful CPU can do it very quickly but will draw a lot of power.  My experience is similar. 

For any SD card I always use the SD Card Association's formatter utility first as it removes any partitions or any other weird formatting (bootable flags, etc)

Next, this free program has always worked well for me on any media windows can assign a drive letter to.
It without fail makes any media into FAT32

After a few hiccups(crashes) on other formats, I just used handbrake to convert all my desired videos into MP4 files before converting.  I made the dimensions scaled or cropped to multiples of 16 and changed the framerates to standard 24 or 30 fps depending on the source. 

TinyTV & Tiny Video Player / Retro Game TSVs
« on: January 09, 2023, 08:32:14 PM »
I spent some time re-encoding & converting a little over 100 retro-game related video clips into TSV format 18GB altogether.
90's videogame commercials, gameplay clips, etc.  Figured I'd share them.
You can preview the clips in your browser by going into the subdirectories at the top, or download them all as a 3.7gb by downloading the file 0_ALL_TSV.7z

Love this product and look forward to building the new one(s).

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