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Messages - rodkaelyas

Pages: 1
Wirelings / LRA Wireling Audio-to-Vibrate Issue
« on: July 10, 2023, 07:24:33 PM »
Hello, I am using the LRA Wireling and the Tiny Lily Processor in a project with a small split camera. The problem I am running into is that with the same battery providing power to both the camera and the Tiny Lily/LRA Wireling, the LRA motor does not activate. However if I power the camera and the Tiny Lily/LRA Wireling off of separate batteries, the LRA functions just fine. I am running the recommended coupling capacitor between the output on the board (where I removed the pcb speaker) and the LRA Wireling input.

Attached is a labeled photo of the circuit, and the code I am running. Thanks in advance!

#include <Wire.h>             // For using I2C communication
#include "Adafruit_DRV2605.h" // For interfacing with the DRV2605 chip
#include <Wireling.h>

Adafruit_DRV2605 drv;   // The variable used to interface with the DRV2605 chip

// Make Serial Monitor compatible for all TinyCircuits processors
#if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_AVR)
  #define SerialMonitorInterface Serial
#elif defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_SAMD)
#define SerialMonitorInterface SerialUSB
void setup() {

  // Initialize and power wireling

  //The port is the number on the Adapter board where the sensor is attached

  SerialMonitorInterface.println("LRA Audio to Vibrate");


  // ac coupled input, puts in 0.9V bias
  drv.writeRegister8(DRV2605_REG_CONTROL1, 0x20); 
  // analog input
  drv.writeRegister8(DRV2605_REG_CONTROL3, 0xA3);
  //drv.writeRegister8(DRV2605_REG_AUDIOLVL, 0x32);
  drv.writeRegister8(DRV2605_REG_AUDIOMAX, 0x4B);

  drv.writeRegister8(DRV2605_REG_AUDIOOUTMIN, 0xFF);
  drv.writeRegister8(DRV2605_REG_AUDIOOUTMAX, 0xFF);


void loop() {

Wirelings / Re: LRA Wireling Power Issue
« on: November 02, 2022, 03:15:07 PM »
#include <Wire.h>             // For using I2C communication
#include "Adafruit_DRV2605.h" // For interfacing with the DRV2605 chip
#include <Wireling.h>

Adafruit_DRV2605 drv;   // The variable used to interface with the DRV2605 chip

// Make Serial Monitor compatible for all TinyCircuits processors
#if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_AVR)
  #define SerialMonitorInterface Serial
#elif defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_SAMD)
  #define SerialMonitorInterface SerialUSB

void setup() {

  // Initialize and power wireling

  //The port is the number on the Adapter board where the sensor is attached

  SerialMonitorInterface.println("LRA Audio to Vibrate");


  // ac coupled input, puts in 0.9V bias
  drv.writeRegister8(DRV2605_REG_CONTROL1, 0x20); 
  // analog input
  drv.writeRegister8(DRV2605_REG_CONTROL3, 0xA3);
  drv.writeRegister8(DRV2605_REG_AUDIOLVL, 0xA5);
  drv.writeRegister8(DRV2605_REG_AUDIOMAX, 0xC8);

  drv.writeRegister8(DRV2605_REG_AUDIOOUTMIN, 0xFF);
  drv.writeRegister8(DRV2605_REG_AUDIOOUTMAX, 0xFF);


void loop() {

TinyLily / Tinylily LRA Module Issue
« on: October 27, 2022, 01:31:18 PM »
Hello, I am running into an issue with the DRV2605 in audio to vibrate mode. When the microcontroller is hooked up to the USB connection and the rest of the circuit is hooked up to the battery, it works fine. However when everything is hooked up to the battery, the LRA motor just vibrates continuously.

Circled in the photo are the signal and ground wires for the audio signal that goes to the DRV2605 module. With the microcontroller hooked up to USB they read 0v normally, but with the battery connected to the microcontroller they are getting 3.3v continuously.

I tried this same circuit with the Seeed Xiao and the Adafruit haptic module and ran into the same problem.

Any help is appreciated!

Wirelings / LRA Wireling Power Issue
« on: October 27, 2022, 01:30:36 PM »
Hello, I am running into an issue with the DRV2605 in audio to vibrate mode. When the microcontroller is hooked up to the USB connection and the rest of the circuit is hooked up to the battery, it works fine. However when everything is hooked up to the battery, the LRA motor just vibrates continuously.

Circled in the photo are the signal and ground wires for the audio signal that goes to the DRV2605 module. With the microcontroller hooked up to USB they read 0v normally, but with the battery connected to the microcontroller they are getting 3.3v continuously.

I tried this same circuit with the Seeed Xiao and the Adafruit haptic module and ran into the same problem.

Any help is appreciated!

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