Thumby / Re: TicTacToe game
« on: October 26, 2021, 11:25:55 AM »i created a TicTacToe game. Was my first programming with Phyton. You can find it here https://github.com/danielhuesken/Thumby/blob/main/Games/TicTacToe/TicTacToe.py
Feedback is welcome
Hello! I've tried Your TicTacToe game and I thank You very much for making it and sharing it with us! Here are a couple of my thoughts and suggestions in case You are planning to continue developing this game:
* I really like the minimalistic look of Your game; however, I would suggest making "lose\win\draw" announcements non-transparent or move it somewhere or change font because currently it blends with TicTacToe's board and is barely readable.
* It would be nice to be able to rematch without the need to restart the system\emulator.
* In future updates I would like to see a mode with a bigger board and the target to connect four "x"\"o".
Good luck with Your game!
Yes, i have already some plans for continue developing.
* That is one of my plans, but in moment i have made no decision about how to do it.
* Is on the list. Also showing how man losses and winns and change if you would use x or o. Multiplayer when i know how.
* That is one of the very last, when i will do that, we will see.