Wirelings / Re: RobotZero DC motor difficulty
« on: September 26, 2020, 02:58:54 PM »
Update: I performed the mods and ran the new sketch. The end result is perfection, +/- PWM voltage on pins 1 and 2 of the motor connectors. Breaking the traces was a bit sketchy using a 10x visor magnifier and x-acto blade; I'd highly recommend a proper microscope for doing that. Scraping a bit of the mask off the round via helped to get a spot to check that the connection was broken to the VQFN pin. All-in, very doable for people with a steady hand.
Thanks again. BTW, I cannot see the attached files or images unless I log into the forum. Not sure how the forum settings work but others may want to see those files?
Thanks again. BTW, I cannot see the attached files or images unless I log into the forum. Not sure how the forum settings work but others may want to see those files?