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Messages - Rick

Pages: 1
General Discussion / Re: linux code upload and modemmanager
« on: October 08, 2019, 09:56:10 PM »
I guess I missed this and double posted. Specifically, one of the errors I was getting was "SAM-BA operation failed". See also: Sorry about the double post.

On Ubuntu, I was getting the "SAM-BA operation failed" error every time I uploaded (TinyZero) and would get port unavailable type errors if I tried to upload again within about 20 seconds. Similarly, once the sketch started running, serial communication would not work (port unavailable again) for about 20 seconds.

It looks like following the instructions in the link below seems to have fixed it.

I think the TinyCircuits processor presents itself as a modem and the OS immediately connects to it and tries to send it some modem commands unsuccessfully which prevents the Arduino IDE from communicating with it until the OS finally gives up. Maybe something similar is happening on Windows 7 as well. Here is another link with some background info.

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