TinyCircuits Forum

TinyCircuits Products => TinyTV & Tiny Video Player => Topic started by: mazerate on January 10, 2024, 07:28:20 AM

Title: Video limit , video size, and video card size in tiny tv2
Post by: mazerate on January 10, 2024, 07:28:20 AM
LOL My TV is in transit from the USA to Canada .... so I have some time to get my videos ready. I have a flea circus and flea and insect museum, and will use the Tiny TV to promote our show..... very fitting!

Long and short, I am converting videos to AVI files.

I searched and can not fond info...
A) What is the video card limit on the Tiny TV2 (how many GB or MB
B) Is there a limit to how many videos can be loaded on the TV at any time/ size of each video?

I will send back a video of the item in use....wish I found this years ago!
Title: Re: Video limit , video size, and video card size in tiny tv2
Post by: SeanSIMPLETHINGS on January 10, 2024, 06:00:29 PM
Mine came with a generic 8gb card. I corrupted mine and replaced it with a 64gb Sandisk.

I downloaded long MTV recordings from the internet archive VHS vault and edited them down multiple times. I think this thing will play very long videos, but the random start time channel flipping feature (it makes sense when you use it) only seems to work up to 2 hours long. Longer than that and my videos always start at the beginning.

I'm running the latest firmware. You update the device on this site under update via your browser.