From a non-programmer - where are other games & basic instructions??


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I have never programmed anything but " Hello world" on a DEC PDP11 with a guy telling me what to type in.

I know exactly NOTHING about programming - and honestly, have no interesdt.

I supported Thumby because it looked like it'd get a laugh and be a "WTF??" head turner.  When I turned it on a blocks games (like Tetris?  I'm not a gamer either).  I'd read there was a library of other games, user-created games and so on.

Where?  I don't see anything on the site menu.

And are there other games on it v- or can you just load one at a time?  if more than one are on it now, how do you switch?  And if only one st a time can be loaded, how ndo yoiu unload what's on it now...and where do you store it?

I'm sure these are very basic questions to the majority of backers, butnI'd imagine there are a few other complete newbies who never played a Game boy or ventured beyond solitaire ...or Pong...and need to read some basic instructions.




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Thumby comes preloaded with 5 games that you can access through the main menu by pressing the down DPAD direction.

You can program games using our web code editor: or download other people's creations: (these will also be accessible through the main menu after turning Thumby off and on)

If you want to learn more about programming or using the code editor, try our documentation site:
« Last Edit: April 14, 2022, 02:01:50 PM by Jason »


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Thanks much on behalf of myself...and any newbie-ish users who actually *have* pride and are too embarassed to ask! ;D

(I'm too old to care what others think...and registered member of the Disorderly International Curmudgeon Knights)



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