Tiny TV Stuck


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Hi ! I tried to put my own videos on the tiny tv and not one played...  I used mp4 (480p) and I converted it with the converter to the .tsv format. put them on the card and all I get is
white snow stuck with digital noise...
I formated the card in fat32 now and tried to put the example videos back on and even these are not playing anymore...
I reformated the card again... not in quickmode this time and did 8gb slowly format to fat32.
I put the backuped example file on it and all videos are white snow... channels are from 2 to 9 and nothing is working... wtf...

what else can I do ? I am really dissapointed that I now have a broken tv which not even play the original videos anymore... please help... how can i restore this to a normal working product ?


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Hi there,

Can you attach one of the erring videos?

If there are special characters, or if the title is longer than 50 characters, the videos will not play from the SD Card. More details on the FAQ: https://learn.tinycircuits.com/Kits/TinyTV-FAQ/#videos-not-playing

Do the mp4 videos work when you play them on your computer before you converted them?



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I tried the example videos which were on the card before. And even the example videos now don‘t work.

Is there an easy way to set the tiny tv to default?

I had not have longer names. The mp4 files worked before.

But now no videos will be played. Not even the ones
Which played before.

How can i set the tiny tv to default because i also cant
Get into the settings.


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When you try the original example videos - are you removing all of the videos you put on the SD Card? The TV will play videos in the order they are added to the SD Card.

Can you send a video of the behavior you are seeing? It's possible that the hardware isn't plugged in completely. I would recommend removing the SD Card, opening the back of the TV, and re-assembling the hardware in the TV to ensure the connection between the TinyScreen+ and the SD & Audio TinyShield is complete.

The settings menu is the best way to set the TinyTV back to default settings, but you could also try re-uploading the program by following these tutorials:

Let me know if that works for you!


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