First Finished Build of NanoMem


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To try to learn some of the basic functions of MicroPython in order to work on the more complex ideas I had, I adapted the font-based Thumby memory game TinyMem to use bitmap data instead. While I added sound functionality that I think should work and began working on high score saving by writing to a text file, since the emulator doesn't support those functionalities, I'll have to finish implementing them when my Thumby arrives. Otherwise, the game is pretty much finished, but let me know if there's anything that could be done to reduce the file size or otherwise improve the efficiency of the various functions. While the attached commented version of the program is 11KB, as it's only 9.5KB with the comments removed, hopefully with a bit more work it can go down to 7KB or so. Making additional use of the new sprite mirroring functionality would have helped in this regard, though as it seems that sprites are often corrupted via this method, for now I'll just have to make do with having extra bitmap data.

Should anyone want to collaborate with one of their ideas or one of my game mockups (such as potential Pac-Man, Calculator, Flappy Bird, and 2048 ports, among others),  I'd be glad to do so! If so, perhaps a temporary Discord group or something could be setup until there's an official server. While I still much prefer the graphical, rather than technical, element of this game making process, hopefully that that will improve with a few more games.

Edit: Made a few modifications to improve performance.
Edit 2: Tried to divide the circle into eight sprites that could theoretically be reduced to one if sufficiently mirrored and rotated, but a function that does that automatically would be necessary to avoid the added Blit functions removing any benefit gained by the reduced bitmap data.
Edit 3: While I've primarily moved on to working on NanoBird, if there's anything else that needs improved with NanoMem feel free to let me know. Version 1.3 is slightly bigger than Version 1.2 as it updates the number display function to enable the centering of the "Round X" number.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2021, 11:50:43 PM by CoolieCoolster »


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This is the most playable third party game I came accross so far! I tried it on emulator and really liked it! So simple and addictive. It's great, thank You very much! Also, I really dig fonts on title screen =D


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Thanks! While having extra bitmap data comes at the cost of some storage space, I think that it's worth it to have a bit more polish in terms of a game's presentation. Might as well make the most of the resolution that there is!


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