TinyZero voltage output


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I was entirely unaware of the Ardueno Zero until I stumbled across the TinyZero, so any references to how the larger version works will not make any sense to me.

Does the TinyZero include a voltage pump, allowing me to plug a 3.7V lithium-ion battery in, and pull 5V from the 5V pin, or will I need an external voltage pump?

Alternatively, can anyone tell me where to find a higher voltage LI battery?

Appreciate any help.


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Yes, you can plug in the 3.7V lithium batteries directly into the TinyZero. There are a few options: https://tinycircuits.com/collections/batteries

To convert a 3.7V input to 5V output, you would need some separate hardware. This forum post references some options, but there are a lot of options available online: https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=119175.0

I hope that helps!



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Thanks for the reply! I figured that would be the case, given how much other stuff you've managed to fit into the tiny space.


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