Tiny Arcade Menu freezes on certain games


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I just loaded all the games from the tinygamesall.zip file onto my sd card and put it into my pocket arcade. Now the menu freezes on certain games and wont allow me to continue to scroll. when I try to scroll left after Rayne the Rogue it freezes. When I try to scroll to the right I can only get 5 games (until R3R) before it freezes again.
I'm just wondering how I can scroll through all the games in one direction (ie. left or right) instead of having to turn it on & off again to find the other games.


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I've got to admit that I have never heard of an issue like this. So it could be the SD Card mixing up some things, the file transfer got mixed up, or the menu is acting up for some reason.

Here are some suggestions you can try in order:

1. Use the troubleshooting section of the Uploading Games to SD Card section to re-format the SD card you are using (this will clear anything on the SD card, so make sure anything you need is removed)

2. Get a fresh download of all of the Arcade games from our site, and copy these onto the formatted SD Card

Try testing the unit now for any lockup issues, if still getting lockups:

3. Reload the Tiny Arcade menu using the Arduino IDE: https://learn.tinycircuits.com/Help/Tiny-Arcade-DIY-Kit_Menu-Update/

I hope that helps! Let me know if you are still having any problems!




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