Any Code Around for a Quad Copter that I can use With the Motor Shield


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I am looking to create a simple quad copter using the motor shield and 4 motors.
Can anyone direct me to some open source code for quad copter control
Does not matter if it is more RC control related or simple automated flight.
I figure I would add BLE to act as the wireless connection but I can also do it via standard RC remote control modules.

I want to create a platform that hovers and allows for a small camera to take videos.
I do not plan on flying the quad copter like a regular copter. I am more interested in stable hovering at various heights to take videos with since I am a very short person. :-)



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Have you tried Codebender ( They have sample code for quad copters. However, I have not seen any directly for Tinyduino. Thus, you will have to make some lib adjustments. I imagine you will also need the 9dof shield for stabilization.


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