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Messages - buchankn

Pages: 1
TinyDuino Processors & TinyShields / TinyZero and MicroSD Shield
« on: February 20, 2019, 08:36:34 PM »
Does the TinyZero work with the MicroSD shield? I just ordered these, and wanted to make sure they'll work together. My main concern was the 3.3 V coming from the TinyZero, which looks like it goes into another 3.3 volt regulator on the MicroSD shield. Does the regulator on the SD shield need > 3.3 volts to work?


I'm planning a project that will use an alkaline battery (I can't use a lipo battery for this use-case) with a 5v step up converter to power a TinyZero processor.

Looking at the schematic, it looks like if I remove U2 (MCP73831) from the TinyZero board, that I should be able to plug in the 5V from the step-up converter into the board, and everything should work. It looks like Q1 would protect the battery from power coming from USB.

Is this correct? What about VBATT coming in through R8 to AD4? Is it ok to have 5~5.5V here?


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