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Topics - ahkub

Pages: 1
Hello all,
Today I came across something weird:
I can run the 7 Segment TinyShield with the Tinyduino board and the USB shield. Works well.
As soon as I plug the Proto Terminal Tinyshield in between USB shield and 7 segment shield, the IC below the two 7 segments becomes incredibly hot. The 7 segments do not light up.
When I take out the Proto Terminal shield, the 7 segment works perfectly again.

When I use the Proto Terminal shield for example with the 21 LED shield, it works well.
I have tried every combination with two 7 segment shields and two Proto Terminal shields. No success.

I will investigate and post, if I find the root cause.


Hi Ken,
On the product page for TinyShield USB & ICP, I think the specs and design files are missing.
Could you please double check?

TinyDuino Processors & TinyShields / Pinout error on Proto2?
« on: November 24, 2013, 05:25:13 PM »
Hi Ken,
Could you please check if pins Vcc and Vbatt are swapped on Proto2, Rev 2? Might also be valid for Proto3. Proto 1, Rev 4 is definitely fine.

Best regards,

New Product Ideas / Modification of the USB + ICP shield to 3.3V
« on: April 14, 2013, 01:47:31 AM »
The current USB + ICP shield supplies 5V from the PC's USB to the TinyDuino. It would be great if there were a jumper to reduce the voltage to 3.3V, which is enough for TinyDuino. That way, it could be used to program TinyDuino inside a circuit with 3.3V components, like most EEPROMs. 

TinyDuino Processors & TinyShields / Watchdog Timer
« on: April 14, 2013, 01:39:21 AM »
This weekend, I bricked 2 TinyArduinos, when I implemented the WDT (Watchdog Timer) :( . Apparently, Arduino and Watchdog do not always go together well:
So I needed to flash a different bootloader, which can deal with the Watchdog timer.

I was able to un-brick the 2 boards with an AVR-ICP mkII and make the WDT Watchdog timer work:
I had to replace the original Bootloader with the Optiboot BL. The hex file “optiboot_atmega328-Mini.hex” is located in the Arduino IDE in the hardware folder. Runs perfect now!

Ken's answer:
Glad to hear you were able to get them back to life!  For now, we’ve just been using the standard Arduino bootloader, we’ll look more into the optiboot to see about making that the default bootloader. 

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