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Topics - philip.rowe@STRATH.AC.UK

Pages: 1
Wirelings / imu 9 dof wireling sampling rate
« on: January 16, 2021, 12:56:40 PM »
Dear All, am loving the wireling IMU
I have a 4 socket wireling interface attached to a tiny zero processor, sd card for storage and a wifi shield to send the data once it has been recorded.
There are  4 wireling imus connected to the wireling sockets on the interface board
I am using the RTIMU library like suggested by Tinycircuits but this is no supported or updated.
I can currently read all 4 and send the data but at current am only getting 12-16 Hz or so for each imu
Do you know how I can speed up the sample rate to more like 50Hz to 1000Hz ?
Any help appreciated as I have been trying to do this now for sometime
Phil Rowe

Pages: 1
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