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Topics - 0miker0

Pages: 1
General Discussion / USB & ICP board mosfet question
« on: March 08, 2013, 07:36:43 AM »
Why is Q1 needed and how does it work on the Tinyshield USB & ICP board? I'm not that familiar with fets but I think its something like, when VIN is high, USBVCC and +5V will be the same voltage. Shouldn't the +5V off the USB connector always power everything?


General Discussion / TinyUSB FTDI chip
« on: December 01, 2012, 01:14:18 PM »
Does the small FTDI chip on the TinyUSB board need to be programmed in order for it to do anything after it is soldered to the board? I noticed that it has a 6 pin programming header on it. I've put bootloaders in Atmel micros before using the USBtinyISP but i've never used an FTDI chip before.


New Product Ideas / RTC board with a few extras
« on: September 24, 2012, 03:01:19 PM »
How about a RTC with a few buttons and a connector for a tiny OLED display? The one I've used in the past is too large to fit on the board so I pushed it up to the top so it hangs over the edge. Only room for one connector on the bottom so it would always have to be on the very top of the stack.

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