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Topics - Akat

Pages: 1
TinyDuino Processors & TinyShields / GPS JF2 & Tinyscreen+ not working
« on: December 22, 2017, 01:24:26 PM »

I've go through a few posts about GPS shield. i'm aware that we have two version of the shields (V2 / JF2). so happens that i bought JF2 to match with TinyScreen+, and as expected it's not working. Google around in the forum, still can't find any solution to this.

Saw one of the post said that JF2 need to use the old 'GPS Tracker' code but i tried with error during compile... (stuck at version only support for 20, 16, 8Mhz processor thing).

Tried with V2 codes 'GPS Testing' with 'SoftwareSerial256.cpp'.. it compiled, but the GPS show nothing on the screen (I've print the buffer on tinyscreen's display instead of serial monitor) and only the timeStamp appear (and its incorrect time anyway). validation still 'V' even though put it outside long enough (approx. 1 hour).

please help

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